A Message From Whit and Meg...

The reality is that we are a family of five, not six. We are just waiting. Waiting and hoping an expectant mom or birth family will find us and want for her child the kind of life we can offer.

We can’t do much on this website except tell the truth and pray it’s good enough for someone out there. We have done our best on this site. We welcome all questions and would love the chance to get to know you! Please reach out on our Contact Page ❤️

Until then, there are some promises to be made…

If we are lucky enough to be chosen to adopt your baby, we, as a family, promise to speak kindly and highly of you as the birth mom. We are a kind family anyway, but we know this could be a concern for anyone. We promise to always speak kindly and highly of your entire family. We already do, and promise to always respect, value, and honor your decision to place your baby for adoption. 

We promise to always be honest with your baby. We will keep your strong legacy of courage alive for the baby you place with us. We would love to have loving and lasting relationships with you and your family.  

And we promise to love your baby and treat your baby as our own. 

If you would like to find out more about us, please contact us! We would love to tell you more, answer your questions, and learn all about you ❤️

Much love,

Whit and Meg